Make More, Teach Less is a comprehensive video course where Jennifer Foxx will guide you in the ins of outs of running a music camp or workshop. Music camps are win-win solutions for both teachers and students. Whether you teach privately or run a music school, there are a lot of possibilities to explore!
Gone are the days of losing income during the summer. Not only can you retain your summer income teaching less days, you can even earn MORE over the summer.
Or how about a holding a Christmas camp in December when things are a bit crazy! Instead of regular lessons in December, I hold a Christmas camp. It has become my win-win in my studio. It gives parents some extra time to do their shopping and families more time to spend together during this special month.
Students LOVE participating in camp and look forward to it each year. Now is the time to step out of the box and start offering a music camp!
All who sign up for a Music Educator Resources course will be invited to join the exclusive Facebook group; a community of like minded teachers where we share ideas, ask questions, give or receive advice and more! Hope you will join us!
This course includes:
- The Logistics or running a camp (Who, What, Why, When and Where)
- Structure and Scheduling ideas
- Ground Rules and Policies
- Fees, License and Liabilities
- Marketing ideas
- Lesson Planning Tips
- Do’s and Don’ts in running a camp
- Course Workbook with helpful questions to help you along your journey.
- Plus you will be invited to join an exclusive membership to our private Facebook community.
- Camp Lesson Plan Templates
- An Inside Look at Creating a Lesson (which includes a complete LESSON PLAN on Blues Improvisation you can use for a workshop or camp!)
- Example Camp Documents (a look at my registration forms, how I word my letters to parents and how I like to schedule my own camps and workshops.)
- 20 Popular Activities you can do at your own camp
- Popular Game Tools to use at your camp that have been a hit with mine!
- Music Camp Theme Ideas to help get you started
- My Musicathlon Christmas Camp Lesson Plan
- $150.00 Value!
This course is a HOW to run a music camp or workshop. This course is not for you if...
- You are looking for ready to go camp/workshop lesson plans. While I do provide a summer workshop lesson plan example on Blues Improvisation as well as my Musicathlon Christmas camp lesson plan, there are even more detailed resources totally done for you available in my store here: http://bit.ly/MERStore (Note: the lesson plans I do include in this course are not available in my store)
- You have been running a music camp/workshop for years and already know the ins and outs.
If you need further clarification on what this course is (or isn't) please contact me: [email protected]
Your Instructor

Jennifer Foxx began her music education at 8 years old when she began taking piano lessons. With almost 30 years of teaching experience, she began teaching piano lessons at age 15, later studying to be an elementary school teacher and then ultimately deciding to teach piano lessons full time.
Jennifer Foxx has over 20 years of experience in speaking and enjoys giving presentations to fellow music teachers, sharing with them her teaching ideas and practices on topics such as technology, business, practicing, motivational programs, group lessons and summer music camps.
Jennifer Foxx has been interviewed on podcasts, The Modern Musician Show, TeachPianoToday.com and TimTopham.com. She has written articles for Clavier Companion magazine, The Piano Bench Magazine, TimTopham.com and has reviewed for the American Music Teacher magazine. Jennifer Foxx is nationally recognized from her teacher resource blog: MusicEducatorResources.com.
Jennifer Foxx has been a member of the Music Teachers National Association since 2000. She has served twice as chapter President; Tooele Chapter (2004-2006) and Phoenix Chapter (2011-2013) as well as other positions as needed.
A piano teacher, blogger, music educational resource and curriculum developer, Jennifer Foxx loves to share music resources, teach and connect with music educators from all around the world.
Course Curriculum
PreviewModule 1- Introduction (2:03)
StartModule 2- Logistics (11:12)
StartModule 3- Structure and Scheduling (10:07)
StartModule 4- Ground Rules and Policies (6:15)
StartModule 5- Fees, Licensing & Liability (4:38)
StartModule 6- Marketing (11:52)
StartModule 7- Lesson Planning Tips (3:53)
StartModule 8- Do's and Don'ts (5:59)
StartModule 9- Conclusion (2:08)
StartCourse Workbook
StartCamp Lesson Plan Templates
StartAn Inside Look at Creating a Camp Lesson (Blues Improvisation) (13:05)
StartGoogle Form Registration Samples
StartExample Camp Documents
Start20 Popular Games and Activities
StartPopular Game Tools
StartMusic Camp Theme Ideas
StartChristmas Camp Bonus!
StartFacebook Community
StartCourse Certificate
Frequently Asked Questions
What are you waiting for?
This course is for you if you are needing some guidance in creating a successful and motivating summer camp for your students. Creating a camp does take some planning, so don't put it off, get started TODAY!
Terms of Use:
By purchasing this course, you are getting access to copyrighted materials in both video and pdf form. This is a single-license only. Please do not share, copy, or claim as your own. By purchasing this course you are agreeing to these terms.
(C)2015 Jennifer Foxx MusicEducatorResources.com